samedi 24 mars 2012

Who I am and who I am going to be…

           Right now, I’m just an ordinary university student. Well, not so ordinary in way I don’t really love to party …but ordinary because of great expectations of what will come. As 22 years old, I realized that I lost most of these years by not reading books and not studying enough. In many ways, I feel quite stupid and disappointed by myself. But I told myself, that if I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in this psychological agony, maybe this is the last chance to become the girl I want to be. And as I don’t want these thoughts to be forgotten, I decided to write this blog. I don’t really know if I write it to you, or to me, but I hope that putting the words on “paper” could be some kind of motivation to progress…
          Well, the first think I really want to improve is my English. So if you don’t understand something written here, it’s because during some 15 last years, I was too lazy to improve it, and never being in need of a high level of English, it get stuck in nowhere (intermediate level) = the worst cause most the difficult to move forward… but I’m doing my best right now, so the English shouldn’t be a problem for long-time.
          Then there is a bigger problem concerning my future. I know I want to change the world. A naïve girl, you may think. But I’m serious! And I know I can do it. I want to work for NGOs focussed on humanitarian and development aid, I want to help homeless people cause I feel that homelessness is all but acceptable, I want to help handicapped people to live a life where society doesn’t see them as handicapped… Well, I know I can’t to it all and alone. But I’m sure I can do some of these thinks, or maybe all of them if I meet the right people, as sure of their power to change the world as I am.
         What I want to say by this post? Hmmm… quite nothing. I just wanted to write the first post about myself so that you can decide if you want to follow me on my way of changing this planet; or not. Well, if not, I just can tell you that this is not the last time you hear my name. It is only that you decided to skip an interesting part of my life where I will change myself to a woman I want to be.  

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